An upset elephant travels 15 kilometres to bid his keepers farewell. - Animals Paradise

An upset elephant travels 15 kilometres to bid his keepers farewell.

This is the poignant moment when a grieving elephant offers his last respects to the man who raised him for years. The elephant walked 15 kilometres in more than two hours to pay his final respects to his cherished human!

For nearly 60 years, Damodaran Nair, also known as Omanchetan in his community, took care of helpless elephants. Although he admired each of these unusual creatures, the compassionate man developed an incomprehensible bond with one in particular. He and the elephant, Pallata Brahmadathan, had a relationship that was similar to a father and son.

A few days ago, Damodaran, 74, passed away. One of his final wishes was to say goodbye to his old friend. Sadly, his wish was not achieved, but the dedicated elephant did come to say goodbye to his best friend, a human.

The elephant makes a touching farewell appearance at Damodaran’s house in moving video! At this time, everyone in the room, including Brahmadathan’s handler, started crying. The man told MailOnline, “When Brahmadathan lumbered to the burial I couldn’t handle it.” “They had the greatest love for one another! ”

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