Heartwarming! 8-Month-Old Dog Reunited With Mom - Animals Paradise

Heartwarming! 8-Month-Old Dog Reunited With Mom

The dog and his owner were separated for a considerable amount of time.

While Jana Berger was at basic training for the army, her dog stayed at home with them.

Murphy is the name of the dog, and he is just too cute for words.

According to what Berger told The Dodo, “I thought about Murphy every day.” “Being apart from him was the most difficult challenge I’ve ever had to overcome.”

They went eight months without seeing each other.

“In the first letter my mom gave me, she told me about how ever day since I’d left, Murphy waited outside the door to my room for me to come back,” Berger said. “Since I’d left, Murphy has been waiting outside the door to my room for me to come back.”

However, after all that time had passed, they did eventually find each other. A touching video was uploaded to the internet, and people went crazy over the beautiful reaction of the children in the film, writes dailyphew.com

Murphy and Jana were able to see each other again.

I had no clue that Murphy would respond in the manner that he did! Berger stated. “I was completely devastated when, at first, he didn’t seem to recognize me. When he eventually realized that it was I who he was looking for, that was the best moment of my life.

They have such a profound affection for one another, and as a result, they cannot be parted.

Source: dailyphew.com