“Gооd Riddаnсе”: NY GОР Сhаir Сhееrs Rеmоvаl оf “Sосiаlist” Squаd Соngrеssmаn - Animals Paradise

“Gооd Riddаnсе”: NY GОР Сhаir Сhееrs Rеmоvаl оf “Sосiаlist” Squаd Соngrеssmаn

In a statement released on Wednesday, June 26, after the Tuesday, June 25, primary election, New York Republican Party Chair Ed Cox cheered the primary loss of Rep. Jamaal Bowman, the far-left “Squad” congressman best known for pulling a fire alarm in a Congressional office building when trying to obstruct a contentious congressional vote.

Commenting on Rep. Bowman’s loss, Cox said that all socialists in the legislature should face a similar fate and be “rooted out” of office so they cause less harm, then added that it is great getting to watch Rep. Bowman finally face the consequences of his actions. Cox described those actions as “childish” and a “meltdown.”

Cox said, “Good riddance, Jamaal. Every socialist in Congress and the State Legislature should likеwise be rooted out of public office.” Continuing, he added, “Jamaal Bowman just faced the consequences of his disgraceful actions. From his childish fire alarm stunt to his blatant anti-Semitic remarks and his latest public meltdown, Bowman has repeatedly shown he is unfit for office.”

The “meltdown” comment was likеly a reference to Rep. Bowman’s profanity-laced tirade over the weekend before his electoral defeat. In the expletive-ridden speech, he thundered, “We are going to show f—ing AIPAC, the power of the motherf—ing South Bronx! People ask me why I got a foul mouth. What am I supposed to do? You’re coming after me! You’re coming after my family! You’re coming after my children! I’m not supposed to fight back?”

Apologizing for the profanity-laden speech in his concession speech, he said, “I want to make an apology, a public apology, for, you know, sometimes using foul language. I’m sorry. But… I think, it is not… how do I want to say this? We should not be well-adjusted to a sick society. We should be outraged. We should be outraged when a super PAC of dark money gets fed $20 million to brainwash people into believing something that isn’t true. We should be outraged about that. We should be outraged when, unfortunately, some so-called Democrats are aligning themselves with radical, racist, right-wing Republicans.”

He also said, “We know that it is incumbent upon us, and it is imperative for us to work together in solidarity, in coalition to build a multiracial, multibackground, multiethnic democracy that works for everyone.” He continued, “We will never stand for the bombing and kiIIing of babies in Gaza. We will never stand for the kiIIing and bombing of children in the Bronx…. We will never stand for Western imperialism in Honduras or Guatemala or here.”

He added, “We are a union race that believes the end of the forever wars is possible and necessary. We will continue to fight to tax the rich. We know the rich need to pay their fair shаrе. We cannot support corporate tax breaks, and we want and demand universal childcare…. And to continue to fight the evils of capitalism, militarism and racism.”

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